small batch, non-gmo, flour, water, + wild culture
Dehydrated Sourdough Starter
How it works
Once the starter is rehydrated, it behaves as a regular starter. You can feed it indefinitely, and keep making your own artisan sourdough breads + other baked goods. All you have to do is find your favourite recipe.
Where to buy our starter
Our dehydrated sourdough starter is now stocked at the following brick & mortar locations:
Canim Lake General Store (@canimlakegeneralstore)
South Point Canim (@southpointcanim )
Fraser & Pine, 100 Mile House (@fraserandpine)
Be Clean Naturally, Squamish (@becleannaturally)
Or order direct from us to receive via Canada Post:

Bake your own sourdough
A step-by-step to fresh bread
Simply re-hydrate the starter packet, and continue to feed it, + you will be able to bake your own authentic sourdough breads! (Rehydration instructions included!)
How to feed your newly rehydrated sourdough starter
Now that your starter has been re-hydrated and is active and bubbly, it’s time for the next step: feeding your starter.

What is Levain?
Levain is kind of just a fancy word for a larger starter. Or a “pre-ferment”. The idea is: you keep the starter alive with a minimal amount of flour, and then when you’re ready to bake, you build a larger starter, which will be used in your loaves.
Let’s bake some bread
You’ve re-hydrated your sourdough starter, now it’s time to bake some bread!

My timeline
How I time my baking day. Day 1, 2 and 3